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Sofia first started learning Forró in 2011, in her home town Lisbon, with Pablo Dias and Camila Alves. She was instantly hooked on this amazing dance that changed her life. In 2013, 2014 and 2015 she helped organise the Forró de Lisboa festival and became more and more involved with the forró community in Europe. In 2015 she spent 6 months in Brazil, doing almost daily classes in Belo Horizonte, mainly with Cesar Neves from Pé Descalço and Hugo Silva, and also a few classes with Guilherme Veras. She also took part in many workshops in numerous Forró Festivals in Europe and collaborated with the organisation of some of them, such as Forró de Domingo (Stuttgart, Germany), Forró de Colônia (Cologne, Germany) and Festival Pé na Terra (Fuseta, Portugal). In 2017 she moved to London to open the first Pé Descalço school in a partnership with Cesar Neves, one of the owners of the Brazilian dance school. She kept studying forró, continuing to do lessons with both Cesar and Juliane Rosa, who also collaborated during the first year in the opening of the new school in London. In 2018 she became part of the teaching team of PD London, where both her and the rest of the team are having constant training in both dance and teaching with Cesar.

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